J. Griff Griffin J. Griff Griffin

J. “Griff” Griffin
An Original Pioneer of Paintography

Hi, let me introduce myself. Most artists don't like to brag and that description would fit me. On the other hand, if one has something that is original to them, if they don't tell you, how would you know.

I would like to be able to tell you and others that read this that I am the originator of “Paintography” or the merging of photographs and digital painting. The truth is I cannot say that without impunity, but I can say if you can find someone who has been doing what I do longer, I'd like to meet them as the conversation would probably be rewarding for both of us in a way that addresses technique. The absolute truth is that I began merging photos of airplanes (those that I flew for Northwest Airlines as a Captain) in 1995. The old “paintograph” that I have that was worthy of showing someone else can be found in my Aircraft Gallery on this site. Also, the CapnGriff moniker has followed me into my writing and blogging career.

That painting is called “Warp 7” and refers to the shimmering, time jump type of background behind a NWA DC-9. And I used to fly that very aircraft. The airplane is the photo in that paintograph and the psychedelic background was painted. The software that I was using at that time was called PhotoDeluxe. Not sure what company produced it, but it was a game changer for me. The year was 1995 as I already mentioned. The paintings of that sort sold well to my contemporaries at NWA and encouraged me to try other subjects.

All that happened in '95 and as far as I am concerned is when Paintography was born. Now on YouTube you can find videos of how to do Paintography, but those largely depend on using software that changes the photograph to appear to be painted. In my opinion they do not quite measure up to the expected result. For years I used a program called Corel Painter and every once in a while go back to it to get an effect that PhotoShop does not yield. As months go by, my style is morphing slowly and keeps me interested in what I produce.

The problem with Paintography is that it yields no orginals in the type one thinks about an oil painting or a watercolor. That limits an imputed value to my artwork. That IS a problem I confess. Yet, Paintography is my original way of making art. What I do offer buyers of my art is my email contact. With that you can ask me direct questions about a painting that you purchase and stay in touch with me if you like. It gives you bragging rights to your friends that you “know” me and are in touch with me. That is the best way that I can offer more value for what you purchase through this site.

If you love a painting, no matter who painted it or how, you owe it to yourself to purchase that painting. Art is like a good book. A good book that you cannot put down becomes a topic of your conversations as well as reading it again and again. Owning a piece of art is a great way of stating this is how I feel about the world. This artist and I are on the same wavelength and I know this guy. People will be impressed and I'll be glad to trade stories with you about anything. Contact me at Griffonline@yahoo.com

I look forward to speaking with you about anything including my techniques in Paintography.


J. Griff Griffin